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Goods late in the day? Contact JNE Call Center as follows!

If you frequently use JNE expeditions, you only need to contact JNE’s call center when you experience problems with the delivery of goods. JNE itself is actually a company founded in 1990 that serves the public in matters of customs services, especially imports.

This company engaged in shipping and logistics is really quite famous in Indonesia and is even often used as one of the best choices for buying and selling transactions online. The products and services of JNE are also very diverse, ranging from JNE Express, JNE Logistics to JNE Freight.

If you shoponline, when you check out you will usually be asked to choose an expedition for the delivery of the item. There are so many e-commerce companies that use JNE’s expedition services because they are experienced and rarely experience problems, even if you always use JNE, right?

What then happens if the goods suddenly do not arrive even though they have passed the estimated delivery time? In addition to contacting JNE’s call center, you can actually track online to find out where the goods are located. However, in this article, we will really discuss ways to connect to JNE CS.

Check receipts with other websites

When shopping online, you can usually see the receipt number listed and you can check the receipt number. Although it is actually in e-commerce, it has been seen that the process of sending these goods has reached each and others.

But sometimes there are some obstacles that cause the tracking on the receipt number in the e-commerce not to be updated. From there, you can check with the official JNE website.  However, if the official website has not been updated or is experiencing technical problems, you can use other receipt checking websites.

Some of the recommended receipt check websites to use by going to the main page of the website and then typing the receipt of your package, pressing enter, and then following the next instructions. It will show the status of your package or you can also check on other websites such as:

  1. com
  2. id
  3. com

If you have checked on various receipt check websites but still cannot see the update of your package status, you can contact the JNE call center.  There are many ways to make a complaint or just find information about parcel delivery.

You can do this in several ways to connect directly to JNE customer service, namely via the provided email address, contacting JNE social media accounts, and through the hotline service or phone number that has been provided. In fact, you can also visit the Ask Joni page to get straight to the headquarters.

Kontakta JNE Call Center via e-post

This method is often done because it is easier because you also don’t have to spend a lot of money. So you just have to send an email to the official JNE email address, which about the complaint you want to convey and the tip is to send it in the correct format.

When sending an email, do not leave the subject part empty, the correct format is the subject of the body with a complaint such as “problematic package”, and then fill in a clear description or explanation of the problem you are facing in the body of the email. You should use a list of what are the obstacles so that it is easy to understand by CS.

In the description section, do not forget to attach the recipient’s name, the sender’s name and your active mobile number. You can also attach a photo if needed as proof that you really have a problem with the package being sent. So you don’t need to contact the JNE call center  on the hotline service, you can do it by email first.

Once you have sent the email, you just have to wait for a response from the custothe more service where the duration depends on the gender. It may be that in a few minutes your email can be read and answered by the administrator. It may also have to wait a few hours or a few days.

Direct message via JNE social media accounts

In addition to the method above, namely sending complaints through the provided email address, you can also send messages through JNE social media. but make sure in advance that the message to JNE’s social media is indeed his official social media account. In fact, it is reported that it is faster to make complaints through social media accounts than email.

The official JNE social media accounts are Facebook @JNEpusat, Twitter @JNE_id, and Instagram @jne_id. Keep in mind that JNE’s call centers on social media accounts  consist of three accounts, namely Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, so the rest open JNE’s official social media accounts so you have to be careful.

In addition, recently angry at the accumulation on behalf of certain companies or expeditions. So, really make sure that the social media account is JNE’s official account to minimize the occurrence of unwanted events. Then how do I submit a complaint through the social media account?

You just need to send a message to one of the official social media accounts and the format can be equated to sending a complaint via email. You need to attach the sender’s name, the recipient’s name, receipt number, and mobile number that is still active and provide an explanation about the problem that occurred.

Access to JNE Call Center on Ask Joni’s website

The next option is via the Ask Joni page.  This website is a special page that is really provided by JNE so that customers or customers can more easily convey problems. How to make a complaint on the Ask Joni page is also very simple, namely:

  1. The first step is to open the Ask Joni page in
  2. Then you can fill in the necessary details such as name, address and mobile number
  3. In the subject column, you can select customer service
  4. In the message field, you can fill in or tell the complaint that is being experienced
  5. Then click send message

Like when contacting the call center service via email or j&t social media account, make sure you have also entered the receipt number, sender’s name, and recipient’s name so that JNE can track or check the location of the package. As for the response from the Ask Joni website, you can get a response from the entered mobile number.

That is why in the mobile number column you fill in the number that is still active or the number used when sending the package to make it easier for JNE to contact again. Actually, in addition to the methods above, you can also contact the JNE call center through the hotline service or call directly.

The hotline number from JNE is 021 29278888 where you can call the number and wait until there is an operator answering the call, and then press the extension button to connect to the management department. Then you can communicate both ways via the hotline service.

But, unfortunately, why the hotline service is rarely used is because if you call directly on the specified number, you may be charged a telephone fee depending on the provider used. Iwonderif consumers prefer to complain  about JNE’s call centers via email or social media accounts.

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